We had an awesome time at home last week! Since Baby K didn't cooperate at our regular appointment, my sweet husband found a 4D Ultrasound clinic in Savannah for us to visit! We scheduled an appointment, and it was even better than we imagined. We were not only able to find out the gender of our sweet little one, but we got to watch her on the big screen for 20 minutes! It was just amazing! Our tech, Danielle, even showed us the 4D view of her several times! We got a DVD, so we can watch it as much as we want. :) My mom also went with me and Philip, so that was really special.
Since we did find out on Saturday we put our Gender Reveal Party back on a few hours before! I want to give MAJOR PROPS to Gigi's Cupcakes in Savannah!! They normally need at least 1 day's notice to make gender reveal cupcakes, but when we walked in and explained our situation, they jumped right in and made it happen! They just had us pick from the flavors they had made already, and they filled them with pink filling and decorated the top with blue and pink pearls. They had them ready in 25 MINUTES!! It was truly awesome, and they were beautiful... and YUMMY!! Here are a few photos from our Gender Reveal Party:
Team Pink!
Team Blue!
The pink filling!! IT'S A GIRL!!
Haha! ;)
Our invitations!
Our beautiful cupcakes from Gigi's!
And on to my normal weekly post....

Maternity Clothes: I finally went to Motherhood Maternity because my sister, Melissa, gave me a gift card! I got a cute red tunic and some maternity tights. I also ordered a couple things online from Old Navy this week. I am so blessed... my friend Jennifer gave me a TON of maternity clothes, so I really didn't need to buy much at all! I have also rediscovered my gauchos!! LOVE THEM!!
Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!! We are SO excited!!
Movement: I sometimes think I can feel her move, but it might just be normal tummy rumblings. ;)
Cravings: On Monday I got my smoked sausage that I've been craving, then a little later I wanted Orange Juice, then later it was Doritos. LOL...
Symptoms: Emotional... as if I wasn't emotional enough before pregnancy.
Total Weight Gain: 10 lbs.
What I Miss: Being able to eat pork chops and ham. I haven't been able to handle those meats.
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing Baby K on the big screen with Philip and mom and finding out she was a girl! It was unbelievable!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Staying at home!! I have put in my notice at work, and I can't wait to be finished!
I've been taking weekly photos inspired by this blog I found on Pinterest! Here is my latest! See you next week!